The longest journey
begins with the first step.
Chinese Proverb.
There is
only to-day.
You do not have to worry about how you
will feel or act
- To-night
- Tomorrow
- Next week
- Or next year.
As far as you are concerned, they don't exist. They are only
thoughts - pictures in your mind.
However, YOUR mind will want to project
you into this future - AWAY from this moment - the
here and now.
It does not want you to EXPERIENCE how
you will REALLY feel, NOW, IN THE
PRESENT MOMENT when you can't smoke because the
feeling is so slight, so insignificant that you won't mind at
all that you can't smoke.
game will be up.
You will be free.
mind does not want you to experience what you
will really feel when you can't smoke because it is so
slight, so insignificant that you won't mind at all
that you can't smoke.
So in the beginning, your mind will
fill you with pictures of depression and self-pity.
It will paint
terrifying, exaggerated PICTURES of how you will
feel when you can't smoke.
It hopes you will accept it's estimation of how these
feelings will be - so that when you get these CRAVINGS during
the day - which you will - you will run away from them.
Or try to RESIST them in some way.
Or worse....... you will hate and
curse yourself for picking this day to stop smoking.
TO-DAY, and EVERY DAY from now, you will not fall for this
Of course, your mind will be on overtime,
especially for the first few days.
Expect this.
It is not something to be worried
about or hate. Remember what you resist persists.
So simply accept it - don't even hope
or wish it will go away.
If it is there, fine.
If it is not there, equally fine. Just
accept that you will have all these thoughts and more.
Always stay in
the moment.
You will ONLY feel tired, anxious or
fed-up if you forget and try to get involved in these
thoughts. If you think you should fight them or try to reason
or argue them away.
Remember the paradox: What you resists
So if your mind wants to go on
overdrive, let it.
Don't judge it or try to quieten it
Simply let it be and gently focus your
attention on something else and you will discover the paradox
always works - the mind and it's thoughts calm down. |