The Pain of Hate
Yet, for some reason, we have all been
conditioned to HATE this feeling we
get when we can’t
eat what we want!
But instead of hating it, we should be CELEBRATING it
Instead, UNCONSCIOUSLY we all believe we should intensely DISLIKE it.
Resist it.
FIGHT it. Do ANYTHING to make it GO AWAY.
Isn't his true?
We sit there in our seat, watching TV…but all
the time, we are struggling with this feeling,
wanting to eat a certain food convinced that we MUST do something to make
this feeling of lack GO
But why take this approach?
Why do you
so badly want this TEMPORARY, empty
sensation to GO away? |
Why are you so afraid of it?
Why can't you like it?
Actually CELEBRATE feeling
like this?
Can't you begin to view it as a positive
sign that your body is now beginning to
renew itself and melt away all those unhealthy
pounds of excess fat.
Again and again, as we start this course, I
want you to ask yourself the most important question of all - a
Question we NEVER ask ourselves:
feeling/craving you'll get when you can’t eat what you want is so bad – so undesirable?
Why have we all made such
a big MONSTER out of it?
Why do we make such a big deal out of it?
A Great Sign?
In fact, as you are sitting in your armchair
now watching TV, why not see it as a GOOD feeling – a
GREAT feeling?
As a
signal, that you are…..
Renewing your body…
Regenerating it…..
Transforming it…..
Effortlessly.....melting away all that unhealthy,
fat and surplus weight.
Forward from now on!
How you'll deal with this
temporary, empty, restless 'feeling' you'll get when you can’t eat
all your old comfort junk foods WILL determine how you'll will FEEL
as you lose weight.
The truth is: If you use
WILLPOWER alone......
Losing weight can be a miserable experience.
Pure daily misery.
if you approach it the right way, it CAN also EQUALLY be an incredible ENJOYABLE and
happy experience.
It ALL depends on your core, underlying attitude
towards what you are doing.