Expect !



What to do when you want to smoke....

1. Expect it. Many times a day you will feel like this.

2. Acknowledge it. Each time during the day when you feel like a cigarette simply acknowledge it. It is OK. It is quite normal and natural.

3. Make a note of it. On a piece of paper write down what time it is and realize quite clearly in your mind : This is only my body registering it's demand for nicotine. Soon it will be gone. Everyday it is getting weaker and weaker.

4. Imagine your body's demand for nicotine in the form of a little 'smoking bug' in your body. See the life pouring out of it. Imagine it getting weaker and weaker - it's mouth open, falling to the ground , struggling and gradually dissolving into nothingness. Everyday you choose not to smoke you are draining it of more power and life and in three weeks, it will completely dead.

5. Repeat this process every time you feel like a cigarette, noting the time and the intensity of the demand. 

In fact the more intense the demand the better : it is only the 'little smoking bug' shouting more loudly - thus you know you are on the right road.


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