Summary and Reflection on Step 9:


People find it so hard to accept that giving up smoking can be EASY.


I was able to enjoy watching TV, talking to all my friends on the phone, enjoy all my meals .....WITHOUT SMOKING!


And it has been these feelings - or rather my FEAR of these feelings and, my belief that I would not be able to cope with or tolerate them  if I gave up smoking that made me not EVEN want to consider the possibility of giving up.


They are getting on just as happily with their lives now and are able to ENJOY all those occasions which you presently believe are impossible to enjoy without the opportunity to smoke. 

They saw through the illusion.


The slight physical aggravation and the temporary, empty, lonely feelings that you will experience for the first few weeks when you give up ARE IT.


 Never question or doubt your decision. You are a non-smoker so you do not smoke. Full stop.


There is no such thing as ONE CIGARETTE.




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