Summary and Reflection on Step 6:


Why not just sit down and feel the feeling ?

We are all terrified to sit and face unpleasant  feelings and sensations.  

 Do you know what is REALLY putting you off giving up smoking ? You are TERRIFIED of the feelings you will have to face, if and when you give up.You are afraid you won't be able to handle them.

When you give up smoking the 'feeling' itself is not bad. The pain comes from worrying about and trying to resist or push this feeling away because you believe it is 'bad' or 'unbearable'.  

You are NOT going to substitute something else for the cigarette like extra food.

It has never occurred to us to welcome it. To just let it be.....until it fades away of its own accord.


What you resists persists

Simply stay in the moment - put the craving in context - by remembering the craving is not you and that it is only temporary and..... Simply observe it. Watch it.



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