Step One 


A Question!

Let me ask you a question?

If there was a way that you could quit smoking and NOT have to feel you are being deprived of ANYTHING and not have to suffer terrible withdrawal symptoms, would you consider quitting?


The answer to this question would be "Yes" from virtually every smoker. 

We all want to stop, but we are simply afraid of how we will feel when we can’t smoke - and it is this fear alone that keeps us smoking.

weekend breaks

The Fear Of Agony 

The truth is that most of us have convinced ourselves that we enjoy smoking, but the truth is deep down, WE ARE TERRIFIED OF THE AGONY WE THINK WE WILL HAVE TO FACE IF WE QUIT.

Deep down, we believe that if we quit smoking, our life will be unbearable.


From my own experience, I know how painfully true this is. 

I don’t know how many times I put off quitting. I always had thousands, of what I thought were acceptable excuses! 

We all do, don’t we ? 

But it was only when I stopped and was really honest with myself that I discovered it was nothing but fear - a fear that was caused by one simple FALSE belief .



The Illusion Of Pain

I believed I would have to go through hours and even weeks of agony as I fought those ‘terrible withdrawal pangs’.

But, even worse: I just could not believe I could get through a day - especially after a meal or in the pub after work - without a cigarette.

The important thing, at this stage is not to let these doubts and fears diminish your desire or your belief that you can succeed. 

Everyday, if possible, you need to affirm your desire to quit. 

In a strong, positive voice, say to yourself:


'I am now going to commit myself to stop smoking.

I know that I have a lot to learn but I will learn it.

I know that, at this stage of the course I will have many doubts and fears especially if I have tried before and failed.

But I will not allow them lessen my desire to stop. I will open my mind and examine all my beliefs about smoking.

Surely, I can succeed. 90 million people just like me in the USA have done it. And millions and millions more all around the world......

Of course it is possible.

I know the secret lies in not trying to force myself to quit smoking through willpower, but in understanding and applying the simple techniques that thousands have already used to free themselves permanently from this addiction.


Now I will commit myself 100% to giving up smoking. 

I will prove to myself not only can it be done but anybody can do it easily, simply and when they understand the principles behind it - effortlessly'.

Play with these Ideas!

To become a happy non-smoker, you need to take your time with these new ideas.

You need to play around with them.

In the next few modules, you will come across many ideas that will go against what you presently believe about smoking and you will have a tendency to dismiss them.


Don’t do that.


Keep your mind open. 

Explore..... every idea and let it’s meaning sink into your mind.

Study each idea and literally play around with it until you understand it completely.

If you do this, soon everything will appear crystal clear.....



[Course Index]