Step One


Dump All The Old Quit Smoking Stereotypes!

If you want to quit smoking, it is also important that you put aside all the old stereotypes about people quitting smoking. 

We all know them......


  • People going mad for a cigarette.
  • Pulling their hair out.
  • Feeling miserable and empty. 
  • Going through their life totally obsessed with only one thing - finding a cigarette.

Please, please suspend all these horror stories.

They may have been true in the past, WHEN the majority of people, either consciously or unconsciously used the old WILLPOWER  ALONE to stop. But not today.


A New Era of Understanding

Today, if you APPROACH it in the right way, it need NOT involve any of the above traumas.

This is important.

When you stop - yes, you WILL feel something but there will be no physical agony, only a temporary feeling that you are MISSING OUT on something.

A feeling that you are being deprived of something SPECIAL --- but these feelings will ONLY be temporary. 


So to quit smoking successfully, we must go beyond the old willpower method, and discover the BELIEFS that are keeping us addicted to smoking.

You must face up to the fact that :



You find it difficult to quit  smoking now because......... you BELIEVE that if you give up smoking now, your life will never be as ENJOYABLE again.

In one sentence: You believe your life will be intolerable.




It is these beliefs that makes quitting smoking difficult NOT Nicotine addiction.


inhale. exhale. your life.  by Katarzyna Dembrowska

Right now, you are not only physically addicted to smoking but you are psychologically dependent or addicted to smoking.


If your addiction were purely physical, wouldn't all these nicotine patches have a 100% success record ?

Yet, we all know that even if we use a nicotine substitute, we will still continue to feel a terrible desire to smoke.

Again and again, we'll feel we must 'have a cigarette'. At times, it will even get to the stage where we just don't care - even the most dire health warnings will have no affect on us - we just WANT to smoke.

Where does this desire come from ?

It comes from our conditioning. 

We have 'conditioned,  or 'brainwashed' ourselves into believing  that smoking is an essential pleasure for us. That our enjoyment, even our  life depends upon it.

In fact, most of us have a terrible resistance to EVEN thinking about quitting. 

Why ?

Because we believe that in order to do anything about our addiction, i.e. quit  smoking -- we would have to end our pleasure and ending pleasure is something we have NO DESIRE to do.


This is the only thing that is keeping you smoking

In a nutshell: You won't quit smoking now because, deep inside you are afraid... 

  • Afraid that you'll have to give up your favourite pleasure in life.

  • Afraid that you won't be able to enjoy life or handle stress.

  • Afraid  that you will put on weight.

  • Afraid that you will have to go through an awful trauma to get free.

  • And afraid that you'll never get completely free of the craving.


All of these fears are just examples of one overriding fear.

 The one simple reason that you have not stopped smoking is that you fear it is going to be too painful or too difficult.


It is this false BELIEF  alone that keeps you smoking.



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