Step One


A Feeling of Real Dread

Now, I know that as we start this course, most smokers here will be feeling anxious and nervous. 

The overriding feeling will be: 'How will I cope, without a cigarette in my life ? It just WON'T BE possible."

You will be convinced that without smoking your life will be empty, void, dull, dreary and futile.  

And you will  feel that life is being terribly unfair because you are being  deprived of your greatest pleasure………..

If you are like most smokers, these thoughts and fears will be t-h-u-n-d-e-r-i-n-g through your mind now.  

I know they did for me - and all the staff here at quit smoking online.

But actually none of the above is true.

There is one idea that we are going to PROVE to you again AND AGAIN throughout this course: 


You are not giving up anything when you quit smoking.


Soon, as you read this course and as it starts to sink in, don't be surprised if you will start to laugh out loud. Or  even get up and do a dancing jig of delight…….


But one thing is certain: You WILL FEEL  totally awed  and utterly amazed……when you finally  realize......


…that you can still feel great pleasure and FULLY  enjoy yourself WITHOUT needing to smoke.

That is the terrible mistake all smokers make.

They believe that just because they can’t smoke, that this must  lead them to a pleasure less, dull, dreary  existence.  

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Not only will you be able to enjoy yourself fully without needing to smoke, but you'll also enjoy all the following benefits



Soon you will be free from the terrible NEED to smoke.

You will no longer HAVE TO...

  • CONGEST your lungs with cancerous tars 

  • CLUTTER up and POISON your blood stream

  • STARVE every muscle and organ of your body of life-giving oxygen so that each day......... you become MORE and MORE lethargic and withered


No longer will you have to.... SENTENCE yourself to a life of...... 

  • Filth......
  • Bad breath....

  • Stained teeth....

  • Burnt clothes...

  • .....And the foul smell of stale tobacco.


No longer will you have to SPEND thousands and thousands of dollars EVERY YEAR FOR THE JOY OF SYSTEMATICALLY KILLING YOURSELF!



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