How to
ENJOY Losing Weight
- Naturally!
Follow Our Famous, Step-by-step FREE Online Course


 Contents Page



The Power of Natural Wisdom?

I think we all ‘know’ this instinctively.

We all have a deep feeling that our minds and deepest feelings can affect our bodies.

So it is important that we spend a lot of time collecting all these successful true-life stories and photographs of people like ourselves. 

And then we MUST spend time…… studying these true-life stories and then in our minds, living them out as if they were our success......

Because they will be.


You can successfully lose weight AND also REALLY enjoy it?

Every week, millions of people all over the world do it



So 'drink' in the great success of all these people.

Study the pictures of how people  were BEFORE  – and AFTER  their success.

Imprint these inspirational pictures of achievement onto your mind.

Celebrate their success.


Bath in the sheer energy of their accomplishments. Take confidence and belief from their success.


These are ordinary people like you and me. 

If they can – we CAN.

We really CAN!

We must impregnate our subconscious mind with the absolute knowledge that there is no obstacle to us losing weight - NOW.

As humans, we all share the same physiology and biochemistry- so we are all capable of this success. 

So knowing you can succeed is the first key to motivating yourself.

The second is knowing why you really want to lose weight – and making sure you never forget it.



2. Know All the Benefits of Losing Weight.

You must get it absolutely clear in your mind why you want to lose weight and all the benefits you’ll enjoy when you do.

Maybe your doctor told you that you MUST lose weight for health reasons or maybe you are losing weight for a special occasion in the next few weeks. 

These are very clear and motivational goals. 

For many of us here, it may be because we have gained a few pounds after giving up cigarettes.

Whatever your reason is, take some time now and read this to discover the essential health reasons why you should lose weight NOW.

This may be hard to read …but it is something we must do now to sharpen and HONE our motivation.

Why you need to lose weight – NOW

Here are several examples of how losing just a few pounds can transform our health:

(Again, this stuff can be hard to read – but please do it – it will give us great motivation to begin and stick to our new food and exercise habits)

Heart disease and hypertension

The risk for heart disease, which includes heart attack, congestive heart failure, sudden cardiac death, angina, and abnormal heart rhythm, is higher in individuals who are overweight or obese.

In addition, high blood pressure, or hypertension, is twice as common in adults who are obese than in those who maintain a healthy weight.

Obesity also is associated with elevated triglycerides (blood fat) and decreased HDL cholesterol, also known as "good" cholesterol. 

Losing just 5 to 15 percent of your weight can lower your chances for developing heart disease or having a stroke.

Weight loss also improves blood pressure, as well as triglyceride and cholesterol levels.



A weight gain of 11 to 18 pounds increases the risk for developing type 2 diabetes to twice that of those who maintain a healthy weight.

There is a direct link between overweight and diabetes: More than 80 percent of people with diabetes are overweight or obese. You can lower your risk for developing type 2 diabetes by losing weight and increasing your physical activity.

Recent research shows that a 5 to 7 percent weight loss can prevent type 2 diabetes in people who are at high risk for the disease.



Research shows that overweight and obesity are associated with an increased risk for some types of cancer. 

These including endometrial, colon, gallbladder, prostrate, kidney, and postmenopausal breast cancers. 

Also, women who gain more than 20 pounds between age 18 and midlife double their risk of postmenopausal breast cancer, compared to women who do not gain weight. Maintaining a healthy weight may decrease cancer risk.


Sleep apnea

This disorder, which causes interrupted breathing during sleep, is more common in obese persons. Studies show that weight loss improves symptoms of sleep apnea.



Excess weight is hard on the bones. For every 2-pound increase in your weight, the risk for developing arthritis increases by 9 to 13 percent. Symptoms of arthritis improve with weight loss.

If you think you've heard enough, there's more: Excess weight is associated with increased risk for gallbladder disease, incontinence, and increased surgical risk. 

Also pre- menopausal women who are overweight can experience irregular menstrual cycles and infertility. 

Extra pounds can cause complications during pregnancy, too. Obesity during pregnancy is associated with increased risk for death in both the baby and the mother and increases the risk of high blood pressure. Women who are obese during pregnancy also are more likely to have gestational diabetes and experience problems with labor and delivery.

Finally, obesity affects quality of life as well. Excess weight can lead to depression and anxiety.


The Benefits!!

Now …let's celebrate are all the great benefits you’ll start to enjoy ……as you start to lose weight.


Live longer.

Keeping your body mass index (BMI) at 24.9 or less could add up to eight years to your life, according to a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association.


The higher your BMI (30 or higher is considered obese), the greater your chances of developing diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease, gallbladder disease, or osteoarthritis. In fact, 80 percent of obese adults have one of these conditions, and 40 percent have two or more. These are the factors, experts believe, that eventually contribute to higher mortality rates in overweight and obese people.


 Dodge diabetes.

When participants in the national Diabetes Prevention Program, who were all at high risk for type 2 diabetes, lost just 5 percent to 7 percent of their body weight, they reduced their risk of diabetes-a life-threatening disease that causes chronically high blood sugar and can lead to heart and kidney damage-by a staggering 58 percent.


 Ward off heart disease.

Obese people, even those who have no other risk factors (such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol), are at four times greater risk for hospitalization or death from heart disease in older age than people who maintain a normal weight, researchers from Northwestern University found.


 Lower your blood pressure.

Drop 10 percent of the weight you've gained since you were 18 and chances are you'll decrease the top number of your blood pressure by 7 mm Hg and the bottom number of your blood pressure by 4 mm Hg, says RLHL expert Michael F. Roizen, M.D., coauthor of You: The Owner's Manual.

So, for example, if you've gained 20 pounds since high school, losing as little as two pounds will usually lower your blood pressure. You could also take up to five years off your body's age.


Increase your odds of beating breast cancer.

Women who were overweight before being diagnosed with breast cancer were one-and-a-half-times more likely to die from the disease, researchers from the Brigham and Women's Hospital Nurses' Health Study found. And women who gained an average of 17 pounds after diagnosis had a more than 50 percent greater risk of recurrence or death. Experts suspect the reason obese women have less success battling breast cancer is that they tend to exercise less, have fattier diets, and have higher levels of estrogen-all of which can increase risk.

 Have more sex.

Half of the obese people in a Duke University study reported low libidos compared to just 2 percent of their healthy-weight counterparts. Obese women and men reported sexual problems such as avoiding sex up to 25 times more than those who fell within normal weight range.


Get more sleep.

Losing 10 pounds can result in a 30 percent reduction of sleep apnea-a sleep disorder common in overweight people that causes a person to stop breathing for short intervals without realizing.


Make this a daily habit!


Try to remind yourself of all these benefits during the days when your motivation and desire to succeed is weak and you feel an urge to go back to your old ways.

Make your Goal Real and Specific

You must select and write down your target weight and all the benefits you will enjoy when you actualize that goal.

So it is vital that you select and write down your target weight and all the benefits you will enjoy when you actualize that goal.

Make it real. Make it vivid in your mind. See yourself now at the weight you want.

Everyday pour over the pictures of the true-life stories of people just like yourself who have already achieved their target. 

As you re-live their successes in your mind, it will help you add much more belief, intent,  conviction and vividness to the mental pictures of your own success.

The key is to see your success as a reality now. As something you now know, really know  you can achieve now.

To see yourself vividly now at your idea weight  To be able to feel, taste, touch and smell the new you. 


Do It Every Day!

This is not just some exercise that you can do once and forget about.

During our 42 day e-mail program with you, we will be literally nagging you every day to do it.

Yes, in the beginning it will take effort as you'll be coming up against the momentum of all your old habits, but after 21 days, you'll have established new habits and it will become very easy.



Next: Get all your Cells to know this.