A Request!
Tell your friends

If you found our Quit Smoking Site helpful, could we ask you to support us by telling your friends about us.

Although we don't have the advertisng budgets of the tobacco companies, ( in fact, we don't have any advertising budget!) don't underestimate this power of telling even five of your smoking friends about this site.

People pay 100% more attention to a book or a web site recommended by a friend  than they will to any advertisment.

For example, one of our greatest supporters is Mary Conroy who 'stumbled' (her words!) upon our site in 1999 - and is now over 5 years a non-smoker.

I don't know how many smoking friends Mary has e-mailed  since then, but whatever it is,  she has brought hundreds of people to our site by this simple method.

Many, many thanks Mary!.

Please help us spread the message by telling even four or five of  your smoking friends and colleagues about our free site today:

Thank you.

Free Tell A Friend from Bravenet.com