I don’t care if this is your first time to quit. Or....... if you have tried before and failed. 

You really can give up smoking. 

How can I be so sure? Well, just for a moment...consider these facts now. 

Really focus on them.  

Already since 1972, over 80 million people in the USA alone have successfully given up smoking. 

At one stage over 60% of the adult population was addicted to this drug. Today it is 28% and dropping.....

If all these people can do it  (80 MILLION OF THEM!) - and they include EVERY TYPE of person imaginable - surely that is PROOF that IT IS POSSIBLE to successfully give up smoking.

Or, at least you can start to think more positively about giving up, can't you?

Fact two: 

We now know from the latest scientific research, that although nicotine is one of the world’s fastest acting drugs  --- the actual PHYSICAL withdrawal pangs when you give up ARE SO MILD, YOU WILL HARDLY NOTICE THEM WHEN YOU STOP.


YES, you have read that sentence right! 


When you give up smoking, the actual PHYSICAL withdrawal pangs will be so mild that you will hardly notice them. 

Most people believe that the biggest problem in giving up will be..." How will I  handle those horrible withdrawal symptoms, when I stop. My life will be a misery." 


They don’t exist.


I know you will want to argue with me on this point, but let me first make the following points.......



Yes, when you stop smoking you will feel the desire, AGAIN and AGAIN to smoke. 

We all know that feeling: ' I must have a cigarette’. 

But that desire in itself is not bad or painful.


It is just a feeling, a sensation we feel in our body.



If we start to fear that ' craving' or try to fight it or use willpower to REPRESS it, -- "I wish this feeling would go away" we WILL  create
pain and tension.




This is what we have always done 
in the past.


That feeling of WANTING to smoke then becomes painful, annoying and terribly irritating.

Now this is the hard part to realize:

The pain, the horror does not come from the desire to smoke, but from HOW we deal with this desire, moment-by-moment WHEN we can't smoke.  

Can I emphasize this:

You do not have to experience ANY pain or agony when you quit smoking.

Yes, when you stop - you WILL experience a ...........

  • Temporary feeling of loss

  • A feeling that you are being deprived of something

  • A feeling of emptiness

  • A feeling that you will never be able to enjoy yourself again. 

  • A feeling that you must have a cigarette

These feelings, although very real in themselves are not bad or painful. 

What is important is how you deal with these feelings when you quit smoking.


The key part of giving up smoking naturally is learning how to deal with these feelings when you quit.



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