There are two things that keep us addicted to smoking.

  1. Our absolute belief (our mental conditioning) that we NEED them - that we MUST have them to be happy  

  2. And our chemical addiction to nicotine.

As smokers we are all addicted to the drug - nicotine.

Nicotine addicts.

Today, we want to deal with this area of chemical addiction. What it is and how it can be overcome. 

It is a vital key step on your road to freedom.



The truth is, right now, as far as nicotine is concerned:




A lot of people who want to give up smoking don't want to admit to this.

And in many ways, I can understand why. It sounds too familiar to the horrors of heroin addiction and evokes terrible, dark desperate images.

But it is a truth we must face. 

Most people who want to give up smoking believe that it is either (1) a wholly chemical addiction or (2) a wholly psychological dependency.



The truth is both: addiction to the mild drug nicotine and our absolute belief that we need to smoke to be happy.

Some people, though will not accept this chemical addiction theory.

"No - I'm not addicted." 

'I really can take it or leave it." 

"I only smoke because I enjoy it. I can stop when I want."

Or the famous: " I only smoke because it is a habit I got into - I'll break it when I'm ready. No problem."

Excuse...after excuse 

Please don't believe a word. These are nothing but excuses. 

Right now, at this very moment you smoke because YOU HAVE TO - NOT BECAUSE YOU WANT TO.

If you don't believe me - put it to the test!

Tell yourself that you will not smoke for the next 24-hours. 

After a while, you will discover that it is very difficult - you just HAVE TO HAVE A CIGARETTE.

We all know the feeling. If you are struck in a meeting you just can't wait to get out the front door to have a smoke. 

It is not ONLY a desire - it is A compulsion.