Q: Can I just not smoke one cigarette ?
There is one golden, unbreakable, infallible law you must follow when you give up smoking. Once you make the decision - the final
decision to become a non-smoker, you must never smoke
THAT IS THE GREATEST ILLUSION OF ALL. It was ONE cigarette that got you started on all this in the first place. Imagine it. If you had never smoked that FIRST cigarette there was NO WAY you could have become a smoker. I know there are some doctors and specialists who recommend that you should stop smoking by gradually reducing but remember this new approach is different. Remember again, we do not ask you to give up smoking immediately. In fact we allow you to keep on smoking until you realize the real cause of your addiction : fear and why you believe it is difficult to give up for good. But once you make the final decision to stop, that is it. Get it blazingly clear in your mind. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS JUST ONE CIGARETTE .........and when you accept this, you will not tire yourself out or torture yourself by thinking : 'Can I just not have one ?'.