1. Accept the craving to smoke. For example, if you feel a terrible desire to smoke, totally accept this feeling. What's wrong with feelings like this for a few days? It is OK. It is natural. However, you do not have to act upon it. The feeling/ the craving is like a recalcitrant child. It will calm down as you observe it and embrace it without making it wrong.... ....With warmth and kindness. ALLOW yourself to open up and embrace the craving.
2. Put the feeling or craving in
context. It is only...... passing through. Like a cloud in the sky. As you just watch the craving .....coming and going, you will get the direct experience that you are not these feelings. They are something that 'enters' you and then 'exits'. 3. Just observe and feel the feeling. This is the hardest thing for most of us simply because we are not used to it. Stay with the craving Don't wish it was different or that it wasn't there. Accept it. Don't run away. Hold steady. Be fully aware of what you are feeling. Allow it all............Don't get involved and don't judge this craving you have to smoke ...........and as you continue this positive, non-judgmental awareness...... just watch your feelings as they CHANGE ...... You will experience these feelings/cravings for the first time AS THEY REALLY ARE - pure simple energy.
Nothing to hate or run away from. Just energy in motion.
4. Kindness and patience. Be kind, patient and gentle with yourself as you practice this new technique. Give yourself plenty of time.
A NEW UNDERSTANDING We will then slowly begin to realize that something we were CONVINCED was going to be painful - i.e. facing our withdrawal symptoms NEED NOT BE ANYTHING OF THE SORT. We realize we have a choice. If we can gather our courage and be willing to face whatever feelings we get when we decide to stop smoking and actually FACE and FEEL these feelings as they really ARE IN THE MOMENT and not the mind's projections or interpretations of how they SHOULD be, you will EXPERIENCE this simple truth for yourself. Giving up cigarettes need not be difficult.
The feelings you get when you can't smoke DO EXIST but if you handle
them you will find them so easy to tolerate until they vanish
and disappear for ever.