My advice to all smokers would be: It is all
a lie. Make the decision to stop - and really mean it - and then after you
have given up, EXPECT to feel this craving to smoke.
But don't worry about the craving to
smoke. Don't believe it is bad and don't try to suppress it.
As you told us, simply stand
back from it - and instead of giving in to it and smoking - just observe
it - and for the first time REALLY EXPERIENCE what it feels like.
Not what
you are conditioned to believe it SHOULD feel like - but what it really
feels like.
Yes, you will realize that it is no big
deal; nothing at all to worry about. And when you get that realization
yourself, which you will, then you will know that is all you have to do to
be a happy non-smoker."
Please do not believe this is difficult to
do just because it is new to you.
It is really quite easy. But don't
let its simplicity fool you.
Let me repeat:
We all are terrified of
certain feelings, especially the feeling we get when we can't smoke. We
believe it is 'bad' and impossible to cope with it - so
if we experience it, we tend, automatically,
to mentally fight it; to resist it; to push it away;
to want it to go away..
has never occurred to us to welcome it. To just let it be.....until it
fades away of its own accord
It seems the most natural thing
in the world
to do the exact opposite and mentally fight it.
We all do it. But
this OLD WAY method does not work.