How To Dissolve Your Old Beliefs Take a belief you have about smoking and bring it to the surface of your mind. NOW WE ARE GOING TO DO SOMETHING THAT MOST OF YOU HAVE NEVER DONE BEFORE WHEN TRYING TO CHANGE YOUR BELIEFS - NOTHING. YES NOTHING. In the past, we have tried to change our beliefs by trying to......
By fighting or trying to push it away, we are really giving it MORE energy and actually increasing it's power over us. If you really want to change your old beliefs..... Don't fight them. Don't hate them. Don't try 'to do' anything to them. Instead, simply become aware of them; watch and observe them without guilt and this simple non-judgmental awareness will dissolve the belief of all it's power.......
........Like magic.
Most of you do not believe this - simply because you have never practiced this simple technique. All you have to do is to consciously 'sit' or be aware with your old belief, without judging it or making it wrong until the power behind it dissolves.
A simple non-judgmental, non-resistance AWARENESS of a belief gradually dissolves it.
Because many of your beliefs are deeply embedded in your mind, it may take time for many of your old ideas about smoking to disappear. Don't worry. Simply maintain your simple, non-judgmental, non-resistance awareness of the belief until it dissolves by doing the exercises suggested. What is really happening here ? By simply acknowledging what we believe and not reacting to it or trying 'to change' it, what we are really doing is not giving it any more energy or life When this happens, like everything else in life, WITHOUT ENERGY OR LIFE, it will eventually fade away and die. In fact, this is what you were doing in the first writing exercise.....
A CHALLENGE Why not try this simple method ?
Another excellent technique is to imagine that your attention is like a gigantic warm sun radiating beams of heat and warmth omnidirectionally. Then try to imagine that all of your old beliefs are made of hard ice and as you become aware of and focus your attention on each of your old beliefs, without judgment or resistance, they gradually weaken and MELT away into nothingness............... As you play with this exercise, you will notice that slowly and gradually, your old beliefs will lose their power and fade away. You will also notice that as you read and RE-READ this e-course and let these new IDEAS sink into your consciousness, all your old beliefs will change gradually of their own accord. Give it time. And be patient. NOTE: (1.) The Way of the Wizard, Deepak Chopra. 1995. Published by Rider.