
But something else is happening, at a subconscious level that most of us are not aware of.

When we smoke that cigarette and satisfy our craving, we F-E-E-L a great sense of relief and we  unconsciously DECIDE TO ENJOY THE MOMENT.

" I'll take a break from what I'm doing" - or if you have a problem, "I'll allow myself to take a break from worrying about it for a few minutes just to enjoy this cigarette " - and so you enter for that brief moment into a relaxed, safe, work-free, problem-free period 'enjoying' the cigarette.

You use smoking as a means to forget your problems -even for a brief period.


For those few minutes......... you ALLOW yourself time to think, FREE of all your worries and concerns.

For that brief period........ you put aside ALL your worries and problems.....

And as time goes on, these pleasant, relaxed FEELINGS become interlinked - totally linked with smoking and certain parts of your day.


Every time you have a cigarette you mentally and emotionally ALLOW yourself ( even if you are unconscious of this happening ) to have a break from your work or worries and for that moment you feel...



And Secure

For those few moments, as you smoke...... you do not feel threatened by your problems or responsibilities.  

This is why people believe smoking helps them if they have a problem. 

It is not the cigarette - it is the safe, open feeling that the cigarette seems to evoke. You believe it can help you think more clearly.

And as you begin to enjoy these brief periods of peace, safety and relaxation snatched during the day, you do not realize it but you become convinced that these PLEASURABLE FEELINGS are totally linked - in fact, most of us falsely conclude that they must be in some way INHERENT in the cigarette itself.

What has happened though is that we have transferred pleasurable feelings of peace, relaxation and safety THAT WE HAVE ALLOWED OURSELVES TO EXPERIENCE every time we smoke TO the cigarette.

We have set up a neurological association in our bodies between the act of smoking and these feelings.


 We have unconsciously transferred pleasurable feelings of peace, relaxation and safety that we have allowed ourselves to experience to the daily act of smoking.  


Don't you see the good news this contains ?

You found it hard to stop in the past ( even if you were not aware of this ) because you believed with all your heart that if you stopped smoking, IT WOULD BE A GREAT SACRIFICE and you would lose all these pleasurable feelings and sensations.

And what were you told you would experience instead?

Terrible, unpleasant withdrawal pangs

No wonder you did not want to stop.

The truth is......all the time.... the enjoyment you experienced had nothing at all to do with the cigarette.

It was you who allowed yourself to feel those pleasant feelings and unconsciously transferred them onto the cigarette so that...... 

.....Every time you smoked or even looked forward to smoking, you experienced the joy you believed only cigarettes could give you.


And why wouldn't you?


Any one would think the same. 

You had these nice feelings every time you smoked and so you assumed that in some way they must be linked ........

Then you further assumed that if you took away one of the factors ( i.e. smoking ) you would lose the other i.e. the enjoyment - the pleasant feelings.

And this is why people who use willpower alone find it so difficult to give up for good if they don't understand the psychology behind non-smoking.



They are either out at a party or  maybe something stressful happens in their life. 

Naturally, at such a time, they want to feel safe, happy, secure. Even if for a moment - don't they?

And, of course, because they still believe that when they smoked they experienced feelings like that in the past, they feel a terrible temptation to smoke again.

A conflict then develops as they try to use their will-power to fight this temptation. 

However, all this causes is frustration and mental pain as all their psychic energy is used up in a useless struggle.

And this struggle will go on and on until you realize the simple truth: what you really want are the FEELINGS and SENSATIONS you used to get when you smoked and not the cigarette.


 When we smoke what we really want are the feelings and sensations that cigarettes trigger off in us and not the cigarette.  


To be free from the need to smoke, you must never forget that the pleasure and enjoyment you want - you do not get from cigarettes. 

How can you ?

It is you who create and generate these feelings and the GOOD NEWS is that you don't have to lose or give up this pleasure when you stop smoking. 

So what is there to give up? - only the filthy cigarettes themselves and the need to inhale their cancerous smoke into your body.


Really think about it.


How could we believe that by puffing that smoke into our lungs that it could relieve our boredom or help us to solve our problems.

More amazingly, how could we believe that we would never be able to enjoy any social occasion unless we could inhale dark black smoke into our lungs?


It is utter, utter madness!


This is why the smoker who gives up through understanding what he is doing, unlike the person who struggles along using willpower alone does not envy those people who still smoke.

Nicotine addict.

Why should he ?He knows he is not missing out on anything so he does not feel deprived or any desire to smoke. 

He is free.

So how is this accomplished? 

What determines how we feel and how can we consciously create those feelings and sensations we want without needing to kill ourselves smoking. 

The key lies in the power of belief.................