Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms Timeline

Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms Timeline


These  amazing things that will happen once you finish your last cigarette. Please note this timeline is variable, it is based on averages.  A key factor  is  the smokers  level of addiction.



Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms Timeline: Day One:


After 30 minutes:

Your pulse rate and your blood pressure have returned to normal.


After 8  Hours:

The level of  nicotine in your bloodstream has fallen to 7.35% of normal daily levels


After 12 Hours:

Your blood oxygen level and Carbon monoxide levels are now normal



Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms Timeline:  Day Three

After third day, all the nicotine will have left your body. The healing process has started on your damaged nerve endings, and your sense of smell and taste have returned to normal.

Withdrawal symptoms have reached the highest level of intensity and numbers of cravings experienced. Remember the average lengths of cravings is about 4 minutes. These have now reached their peak and the trend now will be steeply downwards.



Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms Timeline: Day Five


You are starting to breath with more ease and your lung's capacity is starting to increase.


Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms Timeline: Day Eight


The daily cravings will now have been reduced on average to 3-5 per day. On average these cravings will last for about 2 minutes.


Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms Timeline: Day Eight to Week 2:


Your daily craving are now on average down to 2-3 per day but the intensity of them is very mild. Your addiction now is virtually gone.


Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms Timeline: Week 2  to Week 4


By day 21, for the majority the addiction is now dead. Days will go by without any cravings or even thought of smoking.

Issues of fretfulness, difficulty in focussing, insomnia, anxiety have come to an end in relation to smoking. Always seek professional medical advice if such issues are remaining.



You are not now suffering the intense cravings you experienced  as a smoker.

You are not being pre occupied with smoking cigarettes. Days are passing without the idea of smoking even entering your head.

You are starting to experience a feeling of elation —you are actually free of this terrible addiction. It’s quite common for smoker to become quite emotional during this period, realizing what they have achieved.



Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms Timeline: Week 4  to Month Three


Your risk of heart attack has dropped and your lung capacity is noticeably improve as has your circulation.



Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms Timeline: From Month Three onwards.


  • Within 9 months, substantial decrease in shortness of breath.
  • Within 1 year, there is a 50%  reduction in the  risk of coronary heart disease .
  • Within 5 years, the risk of stroke  is now the same  as a non-smoker, and the risks of many cancers has also  decrease to a significant level
  • Within 10 years, there is a 50% cut in  the risk of dying from lung cancer .This reduction also applies to cancer of the  larynx and pancreas .
  • Within 15 years, the risk of coronary heart disease  is now the same as that  of a non-smoker.



Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms Timeline

“Smoking I find the most ridiculous of all the varieties of human behavior and practically the only one that is entirely against nature. Can you imagine a cow or any animal taking a mouthful of smoldering straw, then breathing in the smoke and blowing it out through its nostrils?”

Ian Fleming,  Creator of James Bond
